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"Dear Mary Ann, Beth and Staff, I would like to thank you for providing my mother with such a relaxing birthday experience. As always, The Center is our "go-to" place for any needed rejuvenation. You always exceed our expectations with your warm, charming demeanor and your attention to the smallest details. Thank you again for making the day so very special." - Regards, Erin Ranauro Singer
"I took Connie Heagerty's Hypnosis For Weight Loss and Exercise Motivation workshop on December 21, 2008.
Here it is February 18, 2009 and I am 18 lbs lighter! I love the CD that she recorded to help reinforce
the work we did. I have been listening to it consistently and it has really helped." - Karen T.L.
The Beth Erwin Story — "Three months ago, I was the sickest 'functional' person I knew. Thanks to Mary Ann and Amanda, I am now starting to make plans and set goals I would have never considered before!" Read full story.
— Beth has been under the colaborative care of Dr. Amanda Fey, Naturopathic Medicine and Mary Ann Giacona, Energy Medicine.
The Bob White Story — "I feel better than I have in the last ten years...I would highly recommend anyone with a diagnosis such as mine to seek out The Center immediately. I am confident that if I had found
The Center at the beginning of my illness, I would not have had to endure such difficulties and I would have been able to control the symptoms much earlier on." Read full story.
— Bob has been under the colaborative care of Dr. Amanda Fey, Naturopathic Medicine and Mary Ann Giacona, Energy Medicine.
"Hi Mary Ann, I wanted to keep you updated on our progress with trying to get pregnant. My wife and I went back to the fertility clinic to see if artificial insemination would work for us this time. things are starting to look up for us!
Before my session with you my wife and I went to the fertility clinic and tried artificial insemination twice. The first time they tested my sperm I was just over 400,000 with a mobility of 11%. The second time I was tested I had again
400,000 with a mobility of about 40%. The doctor likes to see a man with a count of 1.5 million and a mobility of 50%. This past Thursday, my wife and I went back to the clinic to be artificially inseminated again. they had tested my s
perm again and now I am at 2.4 Million with a mobility of 75%! I asked them to read me the results 3 times because I couldn't believe it. I am still shocked over this. my wife even asked them if they had the right sperm! Thanks for your help!
You are an extraordinary woman."
— E-mail from a happy client of MA Giacona
I am pleased to note that this couple is now expecting their first child without insemination. Finally!...it's a Boy!!! Acording to dad, "The best looking baby in the nursery!"
"Until I came to The Center I was experiencing leg and back pain, along with problems maintaing my balance. I tried conventional methods of medicine, therapy, taking pills vitamins, etc.,
but they did not help. After being evaluated by Mary Ann Giacona, I decided to try Energy Therapy. Under her guidance, I have been pain free, have had no spells of dizziness or balance
and have been able to reduce the amount of vitamins I had been taking considerably! My whole system has improved, with more energy, and without pain! I am indeed experiencing a 'lifestyle of Well Being'!"
— Virginia Thorne
Virginia is indeed an amazing women, very active and experiencing life to its fullest! She is currently celebrating 90 years of life and vitality!
"I first sought out Mary Ann at The Center for help regarding a physical problem with my knee. I had injured it many years ago and since that time it has
caused me many problems with it going out of joint frequently and causing discomfort. Because the problems I had been experiencing were not serious in nature,
physicians recommend I just live with the intermittent problem instead of undergoing the risk of surgery. The work performed by Mary Ann which included a
preliminary assessment, a limited number of energetic healing sessions and follow-up care helped put an end to my knee problems, as a matter of fact I have
yet to experience knee dislocation and pain since receiving care at The Center over a year ago. Her approach is professional, deliberate, and compassionate.
Her work technique focuses healing in the mind, body and spirit realm and proved to be a complete and rewarding experience for me. In my case the results were
significant and I would strongly recommend her services to others."
— J.P. Business Professional, Auburn, NY
"Mary Ann's impact on my life transcends physical healing; she has helped me totally transform. Her energy work has opened my heart, and allowed me to experience my higher self.
She is truly blessed with the gift of healing, which she shares beautifully with all who seek it. Sacred blessings to you my friend."
— Brenda Kayn, Auburn, NY
"I met Mary Ann at my church and when my husband was ill she did a remote reading on him and uncovered some information she had no way of knowing; thus I knew her
ability to connect on another plane was very real. After I had moved away, I contacted her, as I was facing a difficult transition. I spoke with her several times
about how her healing work may be of help in my situation. It was not a physical ailment, but a psycho-social one I was wrestling with--I was raised with a poverty
mentally and I knew it was time to shake it off, for good. She did a session with me over the telephone, giving me instructions, talking me through what she was doing.
I am not sure how long it lasted, but I could feel various shifts occurring as we went along. Within weeks of this session, I began working at an international bank
in a position that they never hired outside the company for before. It is giving me a chance to learn the business from a broad perspective, essentially positioning
me to launch a career, at a salary and benefit package that amounts to virtually double the highest paying position I ever held before. She gave me a very powerful
affirmation to repeat to myself and I have it posted on the wall above my bed. I highly recommend Mary Ann's services to anyone who needs a little boost to promote
healing in any area of his or her life. She helps you tap into the healing power that exists within you, and it really is powerful. I am deeply grateful for all her help."
— Suzanne Montalalou, Rochester NY
"After hearing about the work at The Center I called Mary Ann to see if facilitating Energy Work from a distance would be a possibility for me. During the darkest
days of my life Mary Ann and The Center were there for me. Changes occurred very quickly and I learned so much about myself from the experience, things I don't
think I could have discovered on my own.
There is a true sense of healing when working with The Center...Even from a distance! I will always be grateful for the work I have done through Mary Ann,
The Center and my angels!"
— L.S. In New Jersey
"After fighting depression for about a year, along with endless trips to counseling. I decided to try Energy Work. The result was amazing!
I could not tell much right after the session, But by the end of the week I was astonished by the change! I have been feeling great ever since!"
— Amazed In Auburn, NY
When energy is shifting and changing we don't always see or feel immediate results, as a matter of fact there are times when individuals
may even feel worse for a couple hours or a day after. This is not unusual, and is part of the energetic configuration process.
Trust it, the end result is astounding!
"When I first called Mary Ann I felt sick. Having a health care background, I knew I was not physically ill nor did I have
issues that I felt depressed about. Yet I knew something was wrong. It truly felt like all the Energy was being drained from me.
Then, I remembered That Mary Ann had done some deeper studies into spirituality. I did not know she facilitated energy healing
at this time. After talking with her and arranging an appointment I realized that not only does your physical body and your
mental body need healing but your spiritual body does also. After going through a few sessions, I no longer felt drained of
energy, and I can honestly say I have seen and experienced the alignment of my physical spiritual and mental body and feel more whole!"
— B.H. Mother & Health care Professional
""Working with Mary Ann has been an enlightening experience, to say the least. Through her I have learned to "Live the Mystery"...not an easy thing for one who has always felt the need to control things. She has helped me in many ways by:
1.) Remotely accessing my bodies energy system and identifying centers that were not balanced. Then guiding me through meditations and visualization a to help me balance these centers, maintain them and stay centered.
2.) With remote Energy Work she facilitated sessions for my daughter, my boyfriend and myself. I noticed changes right away- the changes in my daughter improved our relationship and ability to communicate. The work with my boyfriend did not turn out as I expected...but the results were for the best.
Each time I spoke with Mary Ann she gave me another "tool" to use with dealing with life. It was always appropriate, comfortable, and helpful. I have used those tools countless times over the last six months.
Through these experiences, she has helped me heal personal problems in my life, but most importantly she taught me how to heal myself. She is loving, non judgmental, completely honest, encouraging, psychic and energetically powerful! Her abilities are a gift from God and her faith is inspiring."
— Cheryl Blackwell, Frederick, MD
"The Energy Works process has taught me to become more in-tune with my intuition, energy and the Spirit of God. It has been the most rewarding spiritual Journey of my life.
Never before have I understood my body, the energy that surrounds me or the energy that is shared with others so clearly! Realizing this has changed every aspect of my life!
Not only has this experience deepened my faith, but it has also shown me new love in all of my relationships, including the most significant, myself. Learning about my body
and its energy has helped me maintain a more secure balance of myself, my feelings, my emotions and maintaining focus in my life. My trust and faith in God has been established
creating a new love and beautiful friendship. In such a short time period I no longer look to the past but feel joy for moving on. It has helped me to live in the present,
enabling me to experience love, happiness, balance and the faith to know that a beautiful future lies ahead."
— Montinique M. Kniffen, Student
"I was asked, 'how do you explainEnergy Medicine?' I thought, 'Where to begin? My medical training in cardiology did not prepare me for the phenomenal or the profound;
to see and experience what's possible on all levels and learn a wellness model that supports prevention of heart disease rather than managing symptoms. Energy Medicineis a conscious
awareness of the tensegrity of the DNA at the level of All Knowing. It is the 'new medicine' missing in patient care today. I'm tired of managing symptoms. It's time to stand up
for what medicine ought to be, NOW! It works...I bet my heart on the outcome!!"
— Cardiologist, Wichita, Kansas
"After being told of a needed root canal, I received two energetic sessions to help me in the healing process. Two weeks later, when I was scheduled for the root canal. The dentist told me it was not needed!"
— J.G. Student
Rhonda's natural products are amazing!!! During hay fever season I was experiencing some wheezing, I applied the respiratory balm and within a few minutes wheezing was gone. The spot removal bar works like a charm. It took spots off my chef's coat that had not been removed with other products.
I am looking forward to her next class.
— Diane D.
Note: Rhonda is our Licensed Acupuncturist her at The Center. Diane took Rhonda Marr´s Herbal Remedies Class. Spot remover can be found in our retail shop.