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The Center was founded by
Mary Ann Giacona who has been practicing natural medicine for over 30 years. A former Gothic church and school located at 1 Hoffman St. in Auburn, NY. The facility is over 12000 sqft and has been fully renovated and restored. The Center is truly
a place where you can take charge of your life and experiance a lyfestyle of wellbeing.
It is our belief, that each human being is unique and should be treated accordingly. What may be healthy and healing for one may not be
the case for another. This includes areas of nutrition, exercise, techniques for staying healthy, and approaches to treating dysfunction
and disease. Our services, workshops and presentations, are reflective of this, and continually seek to bring individuals to a
place of empowerment that will allow them to take control of their wellness process and help them cultivate their own authenticity in what they personally need for
maintaining health.
Our philosophy to health caters to the whole of the individual (body, mind, spirit, and emotion) instead of managing symptoms. This approach takes the individual away from 'managed care' and into a natural state of well being
that includes the elimination of the root cause of the symptoms that are a reflection of the imbalances in the body's system. This also creates a level of understanding that continues their wellness process well after their treatments end.
For questions or information on services, workshops, special events, and speaking engagements, or if you would like to be placed on our mailing, please contact us.