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What exactly is the Raindrop Technique?
Raindrop Technique combines aromatherapy with cellular-level cleansing. Discovered by the Lakota Indians, it uses several antiviral,
antibacterial therapeutic-grade essential oils along the spine. Raindrop is a complete body and mind detox and has helped to bring
relief from chronic pain, digestive discomfort, and has made visible improvement in scoliosis. more... |
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a word used to describe the Universal Life Force Energy that is within and around all
things. In breaking the word down, "Rei" is the universal, mysterious Divine Spirit and "ki" is
the life energy that is analogous to "light" in Christianity, or "Chi" to practitioners of
acupuncture, or "Prana" to those routed in the Yogic traditions. more... |
Obtaining and Maintaining Youthful Skin
Let´s face it, getting older is inevitable, and most of us are less than thrilled with the prospect
of wrinkles, thin sagging skin, "age spots" and hyper-pigmentation. So, what do you do if you want
to retain your youth without the help of a syringe or a scalpel? more... |
Gratitude Can Change Your Attitude
With the year quickly coming to an end, November is a good time to reflect on
the past months. Before the hustle and bustle of the holidays it is helpful to take stock in
where you are and what you have. more... |
Coping With Stress
We all experience stress in our daily lives, you can´t avoid it. All stress, however, is not bad. Small amounts of stress and tension in life can be helpful. more... |
Reclaiming Your Life From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Kathy was 35 years old, but she felt like she was 65. She was exhausted, really exhausted. She had been that way for close to four years now. more... |
Why a Holistic Approach to Health?
For decades we have been taught that our bodies are a sort of "bio-chemical machine" pre-programmed by our genes, more... |
What is Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine? Can it help me?
Acupuncture is one modality in the scope of Oriental Medicine. It mainly consists of the insertion of fine needles
into the body at specific points that have shown to be effective in the treatment of specific health problems. more... |
Why Should I Get a Massage?
For some massage therapy may be seen as a special "treat," or an escape from stress in a fast paced world, for others,
massage therapy is much more than this. more... |