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Bobbi Jo Lampman, Cert. PEMF Practitioner

A true Texan at heart, Bobbi Jo is an avid Equestrian with over 30 years of authentic cowgirl experience. While she now calls Locke home with her husband, 4 dogs, and 3 horses, her big Texas heart and "can do" demeanor still shine through - especially in her work. Bobbi Jo's time is consumed by continuing her education in the field of wellness, specifically Pulse Electromagnetic Field therapy (PEMF), with an emphasis on MagnaWave due to the results it offers for a non-invasive holistic approach in aiding the resolution of common, but important, issues ranging from joint and muscle pain, weight loss, stress, circulation, inflammation and more. She continues showing her horses and traveling across the country using PEMf on horses and humans alike.

Bobbi Jo came on as a therapist at The Center after offering to treat the owner, Mary Anne Giacona with PEMF for pain, bruising and swelling from a broken wrist. The result was evident after the first session even through a cast. During one of her localized treatments to the wrist, Bobbi Jo added a generalized treatment for overall health and once again, Mary Anne was pleasantly surprised by the improvement of her sleep pattens. Mary Anne knew that this therapy needed to be offered at The Center. Thankfully, Bobbi Jo was excited about the prospect and agreed. We warmly welcome Bobbi Jo, and her expertise on PEMF to The Center family!