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Diane Delpiano, R.N., CNHP, Reiki Master
Diane is a New York State licensed Professional Registered Nurse.
She is a graduate of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital School of Nursing & SUNY Utica. She received her certification to practice natural health from the
National Association of Certified Health Professionals. Diane’s own personal health journey has led her to enhance and increase her knowledge by
incorporating complementary medicine with her experience in western medicine.
She has background studies in natural medicine using herbs, gemstone therapy, indigenous Shamanic healing, kinesiology and Reiki Master work.
She also uses a body systems approach as needed for each individual. She has participated in the New Vision Program with Senior High School
students, introducing them to complementary medicine.
An advocate of integrative and complementary medicine, Diane believes in the physical, emotional and spiritual healing of the individual for
total wholeness and wellness.
Diane specializes in intuitive Reiki energy work and integrates chakra balancing with gem stones.
She also trains individuals in Reiki Certification. Call The Center for details.
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